Working on the color profiles of the natural metal finished airplanes is the different world. As well the final realistic appearance in the camouflaged airplanes art is realized by the only one layer, layer with shadows, in the metal airplane finishes we have even three layers important for this effects.
First image show structure of one metal color profile. First indicated layer is Shadows [sorry all inscriptions are in Serbian] then follow by the Metal shine, Basic metal color and basic drawings.
In the second image Shadow layer is turn off and now you can see better how the art look like.
Third image now feature two important layers turned off- Shadow layer and Metal shine layer. You see now dominating layer with basic metal color.
Fourth image is the most important at all as well it described full interaction of the basic drawings in working of metal shine art. In the camouflaged type or art this layer is need just for first time when we make sharp definition of the aircraft shape and paint it. We do this with Pen tool as well
Pen tool give precise vector selection. But in this section we use most stupid tool- Magic wand. In difference with Pen toll, Magic wand select areas of similar colors. We can also expand and reduce range of this color which would be selected.
Why use of this as well it is know that magic wand is not precise and gives teething shaped selection? Reason is simple- this work very fast and selected areas cover inside of the art, no need to determine precise shape. Also we need some irregulars as well we know that metal effects are not precise but include many of variation in its appearance.
Image 4. show that we are work in the background layer where is drawing. You have to know that working layer is indicated by blue color [more about the selection will be made in the topic "Speed road to Photoshop"]. When we took magic wand, shortcut is w on keyboard; we click inside of the panels. To select more panels we have to hold Shift- you will then note small + mark on the wand icon.
What area to be selected? Very important!!! You select just area of specific shadows- so we select in this way only fuselage. Group of selective areas for the selections are as follows:
- fuselage
- engine cowling
- wings fillets
- wings
- horizontal tail
- miscellaneous details [in this subject this could be undercarriage housing]
This approach would give you precise control of the type of metal illumination we are working on. As you can see on the first image metal shine is not the same on the fuselage, wings...
When you are make this selection you then turn on all layers which are turn off and go to work in- layer with Metal shine. This one will give to you what you want from the final metal effect.