« on: August 24, 2008, 03:30:06 PM »
Dear all
After having test all Photoshop possibilities , I have begun a serious work on Fw 190D-9. Yesterday I spent all day , doing the layers with the shpae of differents sub-assembly of the machine , fuselage , engine wings , rudder , tail ....
separate mayers alos cover the wheels , the rudder , the canopy .and so on ...
It is too long to describe all layers ...
Now I concentrate on the canopy , not less than 5 layes are used to represent this part .
layer 1 Shape of the canopy frame
layer 2 Shape of the amour plate
layer 3 panels lines and details (bolts ..)
layer 4 weathering .
layer5 shadows and highlights
I will show you other seaprate parts of the drawing when finished , I have few time betweeen my family life , my third book, my job ...
Hope you like it