Here is progress on kit. It is made from subsections and they are merged one by one. Process is demanding as well there is need to precisely capture points where parts need to be set and cemented. What I need to say is that you have to avoid toput ejection seats in cockpit during this work, I have to do that as well I will need that for review of products.
Complex geometry is seen on photo with red circles I put on original photo, previous photo is catured assembly step and it show in what precise point need to be set up part. Any mistake and you would not be able to continue work. Must say again that kit demand use of supersonic gle for plastic as well shape and geometry of kit parts do not easy allow you to use clamps and in many cases even not tape. So you need in many steps to hold parts by your fingers and wait to set up glue. So fast acting glue is on demand.
Must state few things- no matter this kit is released end of last year, not many has been built by modeler. Other thing is mold detoriation during time and distortion of parts, how this kit will be for build in five years?
For now I enjoy it as new experience and for now I must say- not for beginners and not if you are nervous or under stress. In most cases I built kits and drink something... my coffee cool down today and I drink it cold during this work steps.