Here's a project I have had in storage since the early 1990s. Back then we drove mostly air-cooled VWs for daily transportation and I began to research the fascinating early days of the Volkswagen family. With that in mind I bought a couple of 1/16 scale Kafer kits and later on picked up two Kubels from Tamiya to supplement my plans.

Something New (and Old) VW Sedan

Something New (and Old) VW Sedan
Originally I started to back-date the early fifties sedan in the Revell kit to the wartime configuration, and the Tamiya drivetrain parts were later added in to sweeten the brew:

Something New (and Old) VW Sedan
Here are a few of the resin parts I cast twenty years ago and also the upgraded wheelsets that I modified from the Tamiya pieces with my own machined hubs. Also you can see the mostly scratchbuilt front trunk and body interior sections:

Something New (and Old) VW Sedan
And a quick photo of the body after most of the conversion back to a 1942 Typ 82 configuration:

Something New (and Old) VW Sedan