Another great new product from Brengun! This tool set is not only very comprehensive, with many different sizes and styles of hand-wrenches, but it also includes two tool trays, hacksaws and larger timber saws. It's also very simple to complete. Only two pieces need to be truly assembled, this being the two tote-trays. Simply bend them along the indented lines and add a piece of .020 styrene rod for the handles. Handles from the same material are also added to the two crosscut saws. Other than that, the balance of the project is to simply paint the tools in the desired color and trim them from the base fret.

Brengun 1/48 Tool Set

Brengun 1/48 Tool Set

Brengun 1/48 Tool Set

Brengun 1/48 Tool Set
This will add much to any mechanical diorama--highly recommended!! Thanks to Brengun for the review kit and No.1 for posting it!