Author Topic: Mike Franklin WW1 fonts  (Read 4288 times)

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Mike Franklin WW1 fonts
« on: November 14, 2008, 11:58:32 AM »
Hello Good People, Troops, Humans, and Other Individuals,

It has been brought to my attention that the font names do not appear in some word processor and graphics programs pull down font menu. In researching this, I have found that these programs use the font characters to spell out the font names.  No letters, no names. To remedy this I have added the letters to the font files that will allow the names to be spelled out.  These added letters are in the
common Ariel font, and are not to be used for serial numbers and such.

I have revised the Albatros font to the extent that I added smaller numbers 1, 7, and 8 to allow printing of the date after the slash.  These small numbers are accessed by typing the number key with the shift key held down.  Because the font will not allow the date to be typed at the correct location, below
the serial number, what you must do is type the "D.####" as one separate image and type "/##" , the slash-date, as another separate image. Then move the date to the proper location using the move function in your program.  This will keep the proper proportions.

I have revised the Austria font by slightly enlarging the space between the numbers.

I have revised the Fokker font by adding a Larger "I  &  V, Roman Numeral Style." with the lines above and below.  This is to allow the printing of the Fok. DR. I ###/## and the Fok. E. V ### in the correct
proportions. These larger characters are accessed by typing the letter i or v, holding the shift key.  The lower case i and v still give the correct proportions for the  D.VI, VII, and VIII.

The Pfalz font remains unchanged other than adding letters to spell the name I would suggest that upon using a font, do a test by typing each character key, both lower and upper case into your program so you can see exactly what is available and where it is.

If you find these fonts particularly helpful to you, and are inclined to contribute something, please feel free to make a donation to my PayPal account This is entirely voluntary, and at your discretion.

These fonts may be distributed free to anybody, providing you include my plea for a contribution. You may not sell them in any case, but you may sell products in which you have used the fonts, and best of luck to you in that pursuit.

More fonts are in the works, Fokker weight data stencils and such.  If you have requests, comments, suggestions, or anything such, please feel free to contact me at the

Thank you for your support in this endeavor,

Mike in Bellingham, WA 98226 USA