Author Topic: Greyscale to color  (Read 9869 times)

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Greyscale to color
« on: January 08, 2013, 08:42:12 AM »
Dear friends,

I don't know about you but for a many of last years I am really bored to read various experts and their supernatural knowledge in 'reading' true color from black and white images. Facts is that even the true experts in black and white photography are not able to determine real color from black and white and if you see attached chart you will know why. First at all you have different types of film. Add to this possibly use of filters, then work conditions, exposure conditions, image development conditions... you will realize what kind of nightmare we have. Also note that we have here only basic colors which present different pigments and therefore different spectrum value, just try to imagine what chaos we get we mix this basic colors and all military colors are nothing else but mixed colors. Note on chart that even this basic color's blend in many cases and on black and white images can look the same or in many cases to blend and give impression of uniform top color.

Enjoy the nightmare  :-smey