Let Let Let - Warplanes > Warplane Art

Dornier Do Y


Dornier Do Y

Ooooo look a new forum! But the art looks familiar ;)
Will you do a camouflaged one once?

O have a look here...
I recommended the Yugoslavian Do Y to this guy as a modelling subject and he is doing a really good job recreating it in 3D. I wish I had the time to do it myself, but too busy with other stuff :(

Yo Skyraider- nice to see you again. You know I have bitter problem with previous forum so I built up my own integral with my site. but I could not transver post from the old one.

I see the work on the link- is he using Rhinoceros for modeling? By the way, I going to make an big article of the type on site so there would be camouflaged one!


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