Let Let Let Utility > Forums Works


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My primary email does not work for some time, sorry if anyone has email to me and I did not reply :(

We will have one new maintenance, don't worry if forum become strange or anything else ;)

Hi friends, we will have one large maintenance so it is possible that forum will not work for some time. Please be patient ;)

All right friends, forum is back to work now. Not everything is perfect, during server maintenance some 200 of attachment were gone, you will maybe noted that some images will miss. What we have now:

- full running forum,with all scripts set to last versions
- you can again place video files, just put direct link and forum recognize it and display as video
- upload files is old version, you select one by one, we have option to select all files for upload at once. Do you want is back or... ?
- this visual appearance is temporary, so we can discus about look and options

If you have any suggestions, just let me know. Enjoy new old forum  :-wave

No specific need to update here, apart from regular server work, update of scripts and so on, I have just deleted account of some members with zero post and was there for years. All right, their right to be shen they want but if other places are so good, why so many time I get request for some specific materials or services, why they don't ask another aviation sites?


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