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I was invited to join this site, and looking through it I'm very impressed! I am a Former German living in Canada now. I have a proud herritage and honored to have a Great Uncle who flew a Me 109 in JG 11 then JG 77. I look foward to contributing to this site, and make some more friends!


Second Air Force:
Welcome aboard! We're glad to have you join up, especially Ernie and I--you've made the North American Division of LLL one third larger!

Very interesting to know your great uncle flew the '109. My dad was from the "other post office" and served in the U.S. 1st Armored Division. Good to have you here.


Thank you very much. My Great Uncles first ever mission was the suicidal Operation Bodenplatte. He got one Confirmed victory during that melee.

I'm very much into RC aircraft. Currently I'm building a 1:5 scale Gas powered RC Me109G-10. I'm trying to make it as historically accurate as to the theme I've chosen. The problem being trying to find decent fotos. Otherwise, so far, so good!

Welcome mate here and hope you will enjoy :) As well you mention Bf109G-10, we have this plane in last issue of our magazine, we will arrange sample for you :))

Welcome! Hope you will have nice time here!! ;) :) :-flo


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