Author Topic: Basic info about this forum- osnovni podaci za ovaj forum  (Read 12211 times)

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Basic info about this forum- osnovni podaci za ovaj forum
« on: November 17, 2005, 09:41:18 PM »
Sta je namena ovog foruma- za razliku od drugih foruma koji postoje ovaj forum je uradjen kao podrska sajtu Svi ste vi vec bili na njemu i znate sat se na njemu moze naci a ukoliko imate neka dodatna pitanja za to vam sluzi forum. U pocetku kad nisam imao forum ja sam primao dosta pisama i odgovarao na njih i to kao prvo oduzima vreme tako da je izrada foruma bila neophodna. Naravno, na forumu je moguce postavljati bilo kakve teme iz avijacije nevezano za teme na sajtu. Molio bih ucesnike iz Srbije da osim na srpskom jeziku pisu i na engleskom jer je najvece deo posetica i korisnika ovog foruma iz inostranstva i tako ucine ovo mesto pristupacnije za njih :)

What is the designation of this forum- in difference to the other forum this forum are built as a support to the web site All of you have visited this site and you know what could be found there and if you have any additional questins you could place it here. In first time I did not have a forum and I received a bulk of mail and answered on it which took much of my time and builting of foum was of priority. Of course you could discuss on this forum on any aviation topic you have interest. I would like to ask a users from Serbia to  put a bilingual posts Serbian/English as well most of the visitors and users of this forum are non Serbian and make this place more friendly :)