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Messages - jonbius

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Aircraft Modeling / Re: Academy's Spitfire Mk. XIVe built as a Mk. XVIII
« on: September 20, 2011, 05:29:03 PM »
Thanks everyone!

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Academy's Spitfire Mk. XIVe built as a Mk. XVIII
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:34:07 PM »

The nose was actually easier than I thought it would be. I sprayed on Tamiya black, then cut strips of masking tape that were 4 inches wide (to scale, of course) with Tamiya tape. I put down the first stripe, then stuck on a small piece of tape on either side that was 4 scale inches where the yellow would go, and used that to align the masking for the next black stripe. Once the black stripes were masked, I painted on the yellow, and then masked it all off to finish the painting.

The Tamiya tape went around the curves quite well, I thought. Having small guide strips of the correct width around a few places on the cowling made alignment much easier. If you look close, you can see the first stripe aft of the spinner is about 6 inches... messed up my measurements a bit. :)

Still- it was much easier than trying to get the decals to fit! :D

Aircraft Modeling / Academy's Spitfire Mk. XIVe built as a Mk. XVIII
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:22:22 PM »
I enjoyed this build very much. Aside from an Aerowaves Mk. XVIII rudder, and adding camera ports to the lower fuselage, and some Eduard belts, this kit is pretty much OOB. The stripes were painted on, and I was happy with how they looked when complete.

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