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Messages - jonbius

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Warplane Art / Re: Hawker Hurricane Mk. II
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:25:52 PM »
This metal effect is actually taken from the original look, dark burnt iron.

And here you are the last in this block  :-tri

Very cool! That looks great!

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Airfix new-tool 1/72 Hurricane IId- COMPLETED
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:08:03 PM »
Well done! Your "just build kits" theory is a great one. :-ok

Desert Air Force Hurricanes were flying many, many missions during the time my dad was in North Africa so I especially appreciate this scheme.


That is probably my favorite scheme to do. Something about the colors, and the possibility for extreme weathering just really make that a favorite of mine.

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Airfix new-tool 1/72 Hurricane IId- COMPLETED
« on: October 11, 2011, 04:36:02 PM »
Thanks everyone! I had a great time with this kit.

Not intend to give any opinion about new tool Hurricane but it guess that old tool is batter?

I'm not sure, actually, as I've not built the old one. Mike Grant told me he thought the older one was a better kit overall. I take a pretty simple approach- I just build kits and don't worry about the details! :D

I can see that the panel lines are a little too deep.Too bad becouse they make the model look a little toy like.

They are rather deep and wide, I'll admit. Still, I've built several of Airfix's new tools (Spitfires, the new Hawk, and this Hurricane) and the rest of the build is so nice, I just sort of ignore the panel lines. I do wish they would reduce them a bit. I actually prefer them deeper rather than shallow, but something a bit more petite would be nice.

Still- as long as they keep putting out nice kits at a reasonable price, I'll keep building them!

Aircraft Modeling / Airfix new-tool 1/72 Hurricane IId- COMPLETED
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:04:47 PM »
Hi everyone!

This is Airfix's new-tool 1/72 Hurricane Mk. IIc, converted to a IId using 3D-Kits conversion set. This is a nice kit to build, no problems at all in assembly. It's painted with Xtracrylix paints for the Azure Blue and Middlestone, and Gunze acrylics for the Dark Earth.

I really like the 3D-Kits conversion sets. This is the second one I've used, and they are really nice.

Hope you like!


Forums Works / Re: Magazine
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:44:38 PM »
Looking forward to it!

Thanks for your encouraging words friends! :)

Hi everyone!

Here is Fujimi's 1/48 Spitfire Mk. Vb, built as a IIb. The markings are from an Aeromaster set.

The kit is not the best one on the market, but it's a nice build. Cockpit detail is minimal and not close to accurate. The "inverted gull wing" on the underside is not present. Still, it's a fun kit to build, and in my quest to build all things Spitfire, this was actually one of my favorites.

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Academy's Spitfire Mk. XIVe built as a Mk. XVIII
« on: October 05, 2011, 11:58:46 AM »

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Mistel S2 WIP
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:24:31 PM »
Thanks everyone!

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Mistel S2 WIP
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:25:41 PM »
Thanks! :)

Hadn't seen that- I'll be sure and bookmark that thread. Those are great photos there!

Aircraft Modeling / Mistel S2 WIP
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:31:26 PM »
Hi everyone,

A friend asked me to build this kit for him so he could use the photos on his online store page. It's his own boxing of various parts, consisting of an AMT 1/72 Ju-88, and then various parts to build either the trainer or warhead version of a Mistel. He even includes some new resin cooling fans in place of the kit engines. The Fw-190 is not included, but he sent one to me to add in. (It's the Revell kit.)

I've never built any Luftwaffe subjects, so this is something new for me. I warned him I had no experience modeling these. I hope my friend likes it! :)

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Revell Ju-87D-5
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:25:57 PM »
Just saw this- fantastic work! Very interesting camo pattern. Thanks for documenting that.

Forums Works / Re: Magazine
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:42:25 PM »
Great- thank you!

Forums Works / Re: Magazine
« on: September 21, 2011, 10:50:04 PM »
Newbie question.... how do I view older issues? I have 1 & 2, but I missed 3 & 4.

Just wondering how to look at those.


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