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Combat Warplanes / Re: Original Griffon photographs
« on: February 06, 2006, 09:54:32 PM »
As I could see there is much of similarity with the much later design of F-16... Frnech designers are very advanced in the time!

Combat Warplanes / Re: Nord Griffon
« on: February 05, 2006, 10:20:07 PM »
Very attractive plane with mixed power of ram jet and turbo jet engine. Interesting is that Yugoslavia had some interest in this plane and technology and much data regarding to the ram jet power was supply to Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia try to develope ram jet powered helicopter and ram jet recce platform [ with speed of over 700 km/h].

Combat Warplanes / Russia hot spot...
« on: January 29, 2006, 11:05:07 AM »
Photo's are from Denis Estafyev collection.

Combat Warplanes / Kraguj in the UK
« on: January 28, 2006, 10:31:13 PM »
Yugoslav light attack plane Kraguj in collection in the UK.

Photo by Robert Hodgsonj

Combat Warplanes / German jets in the UK
« on: January 28, 2006, 10:27:27 PM »
1) Heinkel He162A-2 Salamander    s/n 120227
    photo taken at the Royal Air Force Museum - Hendon in 2004
2) Heinkel He162A-1 Salamander    s/n 120235
    photo taken at the Imperial War Museum - London in 2004
3) Messerschmitt Me262A-2a          s/n 112372
    photo taken at the Royal Air Force Museum - Hendon in 2004
4) Messerschmitt Me163B Komet      s/n 191614
    photo taken at the Royal Air Force Museum - Cosford in 1987

Photos by Robert Hodgson

Warplane Art / Re: Colorized
« on: January 28, 2006, 12:33:57 PM »
...and this is the final result after reworking...

Warplane Art / Colorized
« on: January 27, 2006, 10:04:28 PM »
New name in the field of image software is Colorize. This is the software specialized in converting of old black and white photos into the color. It is FREE  and there is two option of how to get it- direct instal from their web site or download of RAR archive. As well I do not prefer to instal anything from web on my computer I have download RAR archive which size is 1,4 MB.

I have unpack RAR archive and software was instant ready- no need to install on computer. Window is very clear and on the top side is some of the basic tools and on the right side are color panel. Most of the controls are identical to the controls in Adobe Photoshop so I have open one photo for trial. In first moment I have a problem to open TIFF format but there was no problem with JPG or BMP. Photo are saved in its own format of file.

Working with this software is very simple and no experience is need!!! On the top panel you choose tool and use it on picture. There is zoom tool but zoom out missing. For color proces you have to take brush tool, rounded or square, and chose color and mark the area which have to be convreted in color. When you mark all of the area on picture then click Colorize icon on top panel [shortcut is C] and proces of repainting begin. Color panel are placed on right side and there is palette with the various natural color [wood, skin, glass, stone...] but with color panel on the top for direct choosing of color.

This original photo had 3 MB and overapainting was done in less then ten minute. Restult could vary and take attention that this is my first work with this software and some practice have to make oerfect photo. I have to say that on this sample glass color are not work well. Special note is that this software is still beta version 0.7 and I am sute that full power will appeared on final version. From my point of view very nice addition but I think that some classic tool have to ba add such as magic wand, laso and pen. Download  this software on following  address:

Original photo is from petar Bosnic collection.

Combat Warplanes / F-15 iz nacionalne Garde SAD
« on: January 25, 2006, 04:49:43 PM »

Snimak od 22. januara ove godine u bazi Dzeksonvil [ Jacksonville Air National Guard Base] prikazuje pet F-15 lepo postrojenih i spremnih za jutarnje poletanje. letelice su iz sastava 125 lovackog puka. U tom trenutku su uvezbavali delotvornost i ucinak u sigurnom izvodjenju zadataka.

(U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Larry Show)

Forums Works / Important notice!!!
« on: January 25, 2006, 02:38:39 PM »
To all membership- please change your profile and make your e-mail address to be hiden!!!

Let Let Let Announcment / First year- Prva godina
« on: January 23, 2006, 04:14:37 PM »
Danas se navrsilo tacno godinu dana od kada je nastao let Let Let sajt. Poceo je kao mali sajt od sest megabajta a evo danas on ima pedeset megabajta i forum. Prilicno je naraso broj strana i napisa na sajtu a sam Gulg ima oko 130 indeksiranih stranica foruma a na sajt vodi preko sedamdeset linkova sa drugih sajtova. Celu stvar sam zamislio kao "od maketara maketarima" i sve na sajtu predstavljeno na najbolji moguci nacin i onako kako ja osecam da bi godilo prosecnom ljubitelju vazduhoplovstva. Posebno se zahvaljujem svima vama koji obilazite ovaj sajt a posebno saradnicima koji su uzeli ucesce u podizanju ovog sajta.

Today is the first year annivesary of the Let Let Let web site. Begin as a small site of six MB, today it had some fifty MB and forum. Number of pages are also raised ang Google had indexed around 130 Let let Let pages and ove seventy links guide to the site. I have imagine whole thing as "from modeler to modeler" and all on the site were presented in the best possible manner and how I feel that will be nice to the aviation enthusiast. I grant thanks to all of you who are visiting my site and specialy to the contributors who take a part in building of this internet place.

Combat Warplanes / Nova boja na F-15
« on: January 21, 2006, 10:17:30 PM »
U saradnji sa Univerzitetom Misuri, rajt Paterson bazom u Ohaju, Boingom iz Sent Luisa i Deft indastrijal

Finisis razvijena je nova zastitna boja za bojenje aviona F-15. Do sada su farbari koristili osnovne boje

zasnovane na hromu a poznato je da je heksavalentni hrom kancerogen. Novi premaz bez ovog sastojka

postize istu zastitu ali je mnogo "prijateljskija" nego prethodna boja. Osim toga vise nema ni otrovnog

otpada a i osoblje ne mora vise da nosi hermeticke skafandere prilikom upotrebe ove boje. U ovom

trenutku sva odelenja koja se bave zastitom i bojenjem se spremaju na smenu materijala. Nova boja

lepsa je na izgled, laksa je za odrzavanje na terenu a i jednostavnija za ciscenje. Sve ce to doneti i

odredjenje finansijske ustede ali i smanjtit vreme rada. Do sada je 36 aviona F-15 dobilo ovu boju a od

septembra ove godine ulazi u punu upotrebu.

Combat Warplanes / Re: SAAB Viggen
« on: January 21, 2006, 09:09:02 PM »
Beauifull photo and great news!! I have seen once  the photo from this collection in Holland and I note that the collection is really interesting.

Combat Warplanes / Re: S&MN airforce cammouflage!
« on: January 20, 2006, 06:11:54 PM »
Pa bas kad si zapeo al- stavi te skinove ovde na dovnload. Evo ti profili...

Warplane Art / Re: Illustration basic technique
« on: January 19, 2006, 05:33:07 PM »
Senke su u posebnom sloju, zakovice u posebnom, kopce u posebnom i paneli u posebnom. Kad ih sve zavrsis onda iskljucis sve slojeve osim njih i onda pritisnes Ctrl-Shift-E i od njih napravis jedan sloj. tri piksela nije mnogo ako ti je profil lovca dug jedno 400 milimetara.

Inace batali Kvark, mislim da ga je kupio Adobe i In Dizajn postaje vodeci za grafiku i prelom. Doduse Pejdz mejker ce se jos boriti al pitanje kolko dugo.

Warplane Art / Re: Illustration basic technique
« on: January 19, 2006, 04:49:31 PM »
Eh dragi moj... ja sam moderator na jednom forumu sa 100 hiljada korisnika, posla preko glave, dnevno bacim nekoliko tema, pa jos licne obaveze, pa narudzbine za inostranstvo... stvarno nemam vremena da napisem i na nasem jeziku. Zao   mi je ali tako je.

Prelom stampe i priprema grafike zastampu je skroz druga prica ali daje coveku bitnu osnovu da moze da razume neke stvari. Tako ja nisam piaso npr. da treba cesto da se snima, precica Ctrl-S, i slicne stvari jer racunam da to vec treba da se zna.

Da ne gnjavim mnogo pitaj sta god treba, tu sam.

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