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Messages - divanov

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Aircraft Modeling / Re: Red Dora 1/72
« on: April 04, 2007, 10:44:39 PM »
Few weeks ago (maybe end of March, not sure :-think) on History channel was story about German jets and there was interview with Mr. Brown where he told about his only flight on Me-163 with rocket engine on. He said it was amazing and scary experience.

Forums Works / Re: New area
« on: March 13, 2007, 08:06:53 PM »
In my humble opinion, Off topic is out of topic on 3L forum! There are so many different forums on WWW with off topic topics, and this forum is really specialized for airplanes so I couldn't see any strong reason for something like this. But, if majority of members vote for introducing...Anyway, I vote NO.

Warplane Art / Re: Back to the roots
« on: March 10, 2007, 11:06:15 PM »
Yes, I had honour to see it alive and yes, it DOES look better alive! For a moment I had it in my hands...

Forums Works / Re: Deleting of board
« on: February 22, 2007, 10:32:50 PM »
Actually, I'm one of few who posted some of pictures from related simulation games, but I have to agree that I'm also responsible for giving up of that part of this forum. Yes, I think (regrets are mine) too that this board has to be deleted. I play that games rare lately because of lack of free time, especially have no time to participate on that board. Other reasons that are mentioned by No.1 and other members of forum are also in favour of deleting that board. So, just press delete key.  :(  :-salut

Warplane Art / Re: Speed road to Photoshop
« on: February 06, 2007, 11:31:28 PM »
Are you in the future going to do about clipping paths. :-think

Thgis are used for the sending of images on the proffesional machine in the print preparation. This make problems with some type ofmachine but I think on you and will ask divanov who is better expert in print preparation to make detaled answer to you :))

Well, clipping path is invented for placing just part of image on "page"(in magazine, book, billboard etc.). Because of square shape of images created in Photoshop or similar program, and in need to place irregular part of image, you can use clipping path in Photoshop for placing it in prepress program like Quark, In Design etc. In that way, "clipped" part of image is invisible on edited page, just like the real picture was clipped with scissors and pasted on background paper. It's a little bit complex to create good clipping path, so I need some time to prepare images for tutorial, please be patient, I'll post them in close future. ;)

Warplane Art / Re: Speed road to Photoshop
« on: January 26, 2007, 11:57:16 PM »
Allow me to participate in this small school of Photoshop ? Well, there is one very usefull command (in my humble opinion) when working with selections - Save selection in Select menu. When you make selection, with this command you can save it and use it every time you need it, no matter in what layer you are currently working. After two weeks of work on profile or something else you may find some details unsatisfying. Will you try to select same detail again? No, just Load selection from Select menu and - voila, there it is. It also saves size of the file since adding many layers increase it very fast and then working in Photoshop becomes waiting for Photoshop. Try and experiment - you'll see.

Aircraft Modeling / Re: La-7 three cannon from Eduard
« on: January 26, 2007, 11:53:09 PM »
Keep on, keeeeep on! :-clap

Aircraft Modeling / Re: La-7 three cannon from Eduard
« on: January 25, 2007, 09:39:52 PM »
No.1, you're realy No.1! Can't wait for the rest! :-jump

Warplane Art / Re: Back to the roots
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:33:04 PM »
After many years using only keyboard and mouse you haven't lost your touch for brush and pencil...excellent! :-obey

Aircraft Modeling / Re: La-7 three cannon from Eduard
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:08:52 PM »
I've purchased Eduard's La-7 (No.1's guilty :)) and now I'm waiting for "more info later"  :-jump. Hope that No.1 have enogh time for interesting details about work on that kit?

Warplane Art / Re: Illustration basic technique
« on: January 22, 2007, 12:07:24 AM »
Allow me to participate in this small school of Photoshop :-red? Well, there is one very usefull command (in my humble opinion) when working with selections - Save selection in Select meny. When you make selection, with this command you can save it and use it every time you need it, no matter in what layer you are currently working. After two weeks of work on profile or something alse you may find some details unsatisfying. Will you try to select same detail again? No, just Load selection from Select menu and - voila, there it is. It also saves size of the file since adding many layers increase it very fast and then working in Photoshop becomes waiting for Photoshop. Try and experiment - you'll see.

Combat Warplanes / Re: Desert Tornado
« on: January 21, 2007, 11:03:04 PM »
Thank you very much, No.1!  :-obey I've scanned this chip from FS Colour chip set. This is as close as possible accurate considering my scanner and monitor. :-think It may appear different on different monitors, but it's obvious that original paint is darker than same on the posted photos. If anyone does find this scan useful for making profile, feel free to use it.

Combat Warplanes / Re: Desert Tornado
« on: January 21, 2007, 01:02:21 AM »
I'm preparing Revell's Tornado GR.1 (very good kit) in Gulf war color - any help about sand yellow (British or Federal standard)? It's visible on posted photos that national roundel and tail flag are overpainted. Guess it's done on the battlefield. Anyone knows the reason? :-think

Aircraft Modeling / Re: Airbrushing
« on: January 07, 2007, 12:42:10 AM »
I agree with painting order: white first, then darker colors. White color is never white enough on darker background. Or, you might need at least four or five layers of paint. This might become too thick. But, on the other side, in reality, white was applied over original painting  on true aircraft.
I use Tamiya adhesive tape for about 2 years. It's sold in various widths and is very good in filling gaps on surface of models. Leaves no glue trace on previously applied paint, no matter acrylics or enamels.

Warplane Art / Re: Srpska Avijatika is coming home
« on: December 20, 2006, 11:09:46 PM »
I just might know how you made this background... :-clap :-wise

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