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Steampunk : The Aviator (Dieselkits 1/35)

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--- Quote from: No.1 on February 13, 2021, 09:15:15 AM ---You parts holder is interesting :)

--- End quote ---

It's a self-made; easy to do. A good base, a drilling machine and a little bit of time...

AK Xtreme Metal Aluminium was airbrushed; then AK True Metal Brass for the exhausts; final assembly and the Aviator is finished.

Well... It's a nice kit but I'm not sure it's a good idea from the manufacturer to send to customers kits that are directly 3D printed: it would be better to print a master, then to sand and finish it smoothly before selling the resin made from that master. Too much print lines on the kit. With all the rivets it was rellay a big problem for sanding correctly. That's why I had to remove the wings rivets...

Linda will follow later... I wish to build something else actually.

Excellent finale  :-razz :-clap :-clap

Thank you my friend! :)

looks great !


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