As promised, here is one method I use for canopy framing using painted BareMetal foil.
I first cut off a swatch of foil big enough to do the canopy I'm working on. Then I tape it to a popsickle stick and sand it lightly with 2400 grit sandpaper. When I paint the fuselage top color I paint this foil at the same time. To apply it to the canopy I just use a metal straightedge and a brand new X-Acto blade to cut the foil into strips the right width for the frames I'm working on.

HOW TO: Natural Metal Finishes
Then it's a simple matter to pick up the strips and apply them to the canopy.

HOW TO: Natural Metal Finishes

HOW TO: Natural Metal Finishes
Occasionally I need to touch up small areas where the paint might come off and leave the silver, and in some cases I actually scrape the paint off in high wear areas to replicate chipping/flaking paint. Here's the little training P-47 canopy after framing but before final installation and touch-up:

HOW TO: Natural Metal Finishes
One word of warning when using this method--if the canopy interior can be seen on the finished product the framing will be silver on the inside. In that case it may be better to mask and paint the framing rather than using the foil method.