Mala promena u radu sajta Let Let Let- od danas je moguce preuzeti sa sajta postere aviona i odstampati ih za svoje potrebe. Velicina je 200 milimetara a rezolucija 300 tacaka sto ce dati zadovoljavajuci otisak na obicnom papiru. Sami posteri su podesni za stampanje na kucnim mlaznim stampacima. Na linku dole imate prve primerke postavljene za te potrebe a bice ih jos

Some changes were made in policy of Let Let Let- from today you could download from site color posters of the airplanes and print it for your personal use. They are size on 200 mm and resolution is 300 dpi which would provide quality print on plain paper. The same posters are suitable for print on home ink jet printers. On the link bellow are first samples of the profiles but more will to come