Author Topic: New book about German military manufacturers codes of WW2  (Read 9975 times)

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New book about German military manufacturers codes of WW2
« on: June 14, 2009, 08:23:07 AM »
Dear friends and collectors,

after many years of hard work, my book "Deutsche Fertigungskennzeichen bis 1945" about the secret German manufacturers codes of WW2 is now finished. These codes were used on weapons and ammunition and every kind of military equipment like airplane-parts, vehicles and so on.

The book has more than 500 pages, is sorted in two ways (after codes and after company-names), contains ALL code systems (abbreviations, number-codes, letter-codes, LDO-numbers for medals & insignias and the RZM-numbers for NSDAP- & SS-equipment). The official list with letter codes ends with "ozz", but I was able to add three pages of later codes.

And the best fact: The foreword and the text is written in German and English!

The part with the codes is not translated, because there is not much to translate. But I have forced the publisher to print the text in English language too. I think it's very important to know the background and the development of the code systems. I have found many original documents in archives to reproduce the way of the development step by step.

There will be no commercial distribution to dealers outside Germany, so if someone might be interested, I can only send books from me.

If someone is interested, the price is 35,- EUR in Europe incl. postage.
To the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan it's 63 USD for a single book by airmail incl. postage.

With best wishes from Germany

Michael Heidler