Author Topic: DogFight  (Read 13686 times)

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« on: March 12, 2007, 04:34:46 PM »
I have just received four samples of the new publication from France- Dog Fight. This is bimonthly magazine in full color and focus of this publication present, as the name suggest, aerial combat between the fighter airplanes and their pilots. Until now four issues were released and they will be presented here.

First number is published in July August 2006 and this Nouveau Nº 1 is focused on the Me262 and P-51 Mustang or as the publisher named it “Me 262 contre P-51 Mustang”. Detail which catches the sigh is the color details of the entire Mustang nose and tail used by the 8th Air Force and this is printed inside of the front cover. Content is divided into the four chapters and the first one is detailed history of the Me262 development. One table is included with details of all prototypes of this famous fighter plane. In this was also included first test and operational units such as well known Erprobungskommando 262. Following to this chapter is the section of it’s bitter opposite- North American P-51 Mustang. This was the only fighter plane which frightens me262 pilots. Development of this fighter is very interesting presented and show all of the variation of the idea, other project of the time as well deployment to the other forces such as UK. Most interesting detail is given on page 21 where on the very simple and precise map was given operational radius of the leading US fighters of the WW2, Lightning, Thunderbolt and Mustang. As there could be seen Mustang had the largest action radius of all of the fighters and from base in UK it could reach even up to the Ostrava!!

The Chapter 3 is the main subject if this issue- the same air combats between these two complete different types of fighters. On the same start of this chapter was given death of the one of the leading Luftwaffe ace, Walter Nowotny. Except of the first pages of this chapter, he gets one whole page about his short biography. Following text include many of dates and battles and live memory of the pilots who was engaged in battles. Pages 32 and 33 are covered with multi view color profiles of the Me262 flown by Major Theodor Weißenberger, commander of the JG7 and P-51D Mustang flown by Captain Charles “Chuck” Yeager from 363 Fighter Squadron. This color plates also include technical data for both planes. This magazine includes a great number of very quality color profiles of both types of fighter planes. Final fourth chapter present general overview of the jet fighter planes used by the Allies in the time of the Second World War. First at all was mentioned well known British jet fighter Gloster Meteor, used also long time after the WW2. Interesting that there was given few images of Me262 in the post war service for evaluation purposes. Also was mentioned Vampire which was made in the time of WW2 but never entered in the combat zone. USA had made few types and they are Bell Airacomet and Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star. Airacomet was not proven to be suitable as fighter but Shooting Star was used in later war in Korea and developed into the very successful trainer T-33. Final word of this chapter was given to the technical description of the jet engines JUMO 004 and de Havilland Goblin.

Final pages of this magazine were covered with material about the Eire air force. More color extract of the Mustang of the 8th Air Force was given inside of back cover. This Nº 1 issue has a great number of the very nice color profiles and archive images and graphic design is excellent.

Nº 2 issue is focused on the bitterest enemies of the all times- Supermarine Spitfire and Messerschmitt Bf109. This issue is related to the more narrow area, Spitfire Mk.I and Bf109E. As the first issue of this magazine it is also divided into the chapters. First one is about the development of the Spitfire and there was mentioned great influence of the Schneider Trophy racers and the S.6B racing plane. As you can guess a lot of info about the same idea of the designing of this famous fighter was presented there and even in the moment Ministry was resolving the abandonment of this plane as well the elliptical wing present technical difficulties for the manufacture. But as this is well know this plane was enter into the wide production and became leading British type of the WW2. This chapter includes all of the initial manufacture and unit deployment. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the one of the most interesting German fighter plane of all time- famous Messerschmitt Bf109 and here is presented, in the manner of the of the publication, development of this fighter plane. While the Spitfire had first combat over the France, its competitor, Bf109 was widely used by Luftwaffe before the direct confrontation with British fighter. In this way second chapter include operational use of this fighter before it and its combat debut in Spanish civil war. In both chapters was given small remarks about genius designers of this fighter planes. This chapter include very interesting image of the plane in the French national markings after it was captured.

Third chapter is symbolically named “Le duel des aigles” or “Duel of eagles” in English. First combat was held over the Dunkerque during the retreat of the BEF from France. The first Bf109 to be captured was the plane flown by Leutenant Johann Böhm which plane white four from 4./JG51 was forced landed on British soil. Hat was happen on the 8. July 1940 and that was the first German combat appearance over the British main land after the 1918. Very interesting to mention is the special page about the well knows RAF ace Malan and his “Ten of My Rules of Air Fighting”. One thing is also threat in this chapter and that was the opposition of the two leading RAF high officers, Park and Mallory.

Mid pages include color late with Messerschmitt Bf109E flown by Oberleutenant Franz von Werra and the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I flown by Pilot Officer Basil G. Stapleton. Great thing to note is that authors are included there aspect of this warfare- rescue team work and air defense control rooms. There was presented actions of the German rescue team and one image of Heinkel He59 seaplane as well image of one British rescue boat. Detail which catches my eye is that rescue boat image presented on page 36 includes large RAF roundels on the both side of bow. On the age 43 is resented one diagram which show rise of the victories of three leading German aces- Werner Mölders, Adolf Galland and Helmut Wick. Third chapter is very interesting as well there were presented a number of action and personal duels of the fighters. This was accompanied with very nice color profiles of the fighters with inserted image of the pilot as well image of the units and airmen.

Final pages bring to the readers all important details about tactic used in combat with few images of the flight units from France, Germany, UK and Japan. This publication, with great number of images, color profiles and data is the must for the every air enthusiast.

Nº 3 brings us on the Far East and combat held over the Pacific Ocean. With no doubt Japanese fighter plane Mitsubishi A6M Rei Shiki was for sure star of the first combat years in this war zone and his first opponent in massive was Grumman Wildcat. This issue talks about the combat between these two famous fighters. First chapter present development and history of the Mitsubishi A6M which get nick name from US service Zero. The premier user of this fighter was 12 Kokutai and the first contact with US troops ever was with the AVG group lead by Claire L. Chennault. But at this time they did not have chance to meet the Grumman Wildcat. From page 10 starts the story about the attack on Pearl Harbor and interesting memories of the US crewman who have met A6M in combat. This fighter was big surprise for US forces. Thing which make this issue very special is some extract from old publication and on page 13 extract from old military recognizance sheet which show the silhouette of the airplanes used by Japan. Last pages of this chapter are leave for the captured A6M which was later tested in the USA and provide vital tactical and technical info. Chapter 2 start from page 20 and this is dedicated to the US best naval fighter which they have in the moment when they enter in WW2- Grumman Wildcat. Interesting to note in text that first air victory as not won by US pilot but by the Fleet Air Arm pilot in 1940. In this section is provided most of the development data as well performance test chart. Last development of this plane is General Motors built sample marked as FM-1 and FM-2. No matter that both the fighters, A6M and Wildcat, from the mid of war become less capable for the first line operations, both type remained in the first line service until the end of war.

From chapter 3 starts the real story of combat. Mid ages are covered with the multi view color profiles of A6M flown by Saburo Sakai and Grumman Wildcat from USS Ranger. Few of the arranged text block give all data about allocated units of the Japan and USA with submitted units. Interesting to note is data about the first aerial victories done by US pilots and the first one USN pilot to be credited with aerial kill in the WW@ was Frank J. Olynyk. It is pleasure to see a number of the archive images take during the operations and on the deck of the carriers. Battle of Midway is one of the most important sea battles in the WW2 and this is presented from page 38. Ultimate USN and Marines fighter was Wildcat off course. Full list of the units and operation are explained in detail. Follow to this is the operation Guadalcanal, which is by the way very nice place in the Pacific. In this section was given portfolio of the one of the best Japanese WW2 pilot Saburo Sakai and the leading ace Hiroyoshi Nishizawa. In the Guadalcanal operations Japan have heavy lost in the war material. As for the Japan aces there was given few portfolio for the USN aces such as Marion E. Carl, who was after the WW2 test German Me262 in the USA. Also I have to mention that there was pleasure to read small addenda about the William Leonard written by his son Rich. Final pages belong to the tactics of the plane and special tactic developed by USN commander “Thach” in fight against Mitsubishi A6M. This section also include small portfolio of this great pilot.

Overall view is that this is one very nice issue of magazine, nice designed and with a lot of images and color profiles.

Last edition of the Dogfight is Nº 4 and this issue is focused on the Nieuport and Fokker in combat. From my point of view this is the best at all and interesting to note that front cover include full color art of this two planes in fight. As all of the Dog Fight magazines this one is also divided into the chapters and the first one talk about the Fokker fighters and their development. Fokker has made the first real fighter in the world and the first one to develop fighter pilot tactics was Boelcke. One very charming image was published here and it shows Boelcke and his girlfriend in the cockpit in the Fokker Eindecker. Powerplant was very weak in that time and in this way text include some vital information about the engine development. One of the best pilots in these first years was Boelcke and Immelmann. This section at its end has technical data and close u images of the Eindecker fighter. Chapter2 is named “Naissance du Bébé” and talk about development of the fighters in France. In the early stage Nieuport developed monoplane fighter but the real glory come later with the biplanes. In this way in this magazine first French fighter airplane to get in the focus was Nieuport XI. Chapter 3 comes with the aerial combat experience from both sides. Verdun was most important in this way and it is first to be explained in the magazine. Page 21 bring map of the area of operation and it is welcome for the readers which are not much common with this subject. Section 3 include many of pilot profiles and first portfolio is for the Charle de Tricornot de Rose. His personal emblem was rose and it was painted on the fuselage of his Nieuport fighter. Some of personal pilot views are placed there as well list of aerial victories won by German pilots who flew Fokker Eindecker over Verdun. Chapter 4 is whole dedicated to the Oswald Boelcke with charts, images and color profiles of his fighters. Chapter 5 is about the Jean Navarre and it is given in the same quality as the previous chapter and I am personally impressed with his red painted Nieuport XVI fighter. One of the most famous French fighter pilot is Charles Nuengesser and chapter 6 belong to him. He had flown a number of different airplanes and many of then has presented here as well the first one to wear his famous logo- Voisin from VB 106. This is ending with the chart of the French pilots Navarre and Nuengesser charts with air victories.

Could you imagine this publication without Red Baron… or Baron Rouge as stated in this magazine? Well, from the page 56 starts a story about this most famous German fighter ace. Most images present his Fokker triplane fighter. And this chapter is the last in this magazine.

General notes for all of the Dog Fight issues is that they are French text, full with various data, images and nice color profiles. Size is A4 and full color print. Inside are 60+ pages of full content. What does it mean full content? No commercials and no advertisements!!! For the price of 6.95 € you got full content of the related subject! This is really worth for every attention. More info about this great publication you could find direct from publisher at following email:

I grant great thanks to the director Christian-Jacques Ehrengardt for the provided free samples of publication.

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Re: DogFight
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 06:58:03 PM »
Sounds like a great read.  :-ok

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Re: DogFight
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2007, 07:02:36 PM »
Believe me that every cent [or penny] pay here is very good investments!! Still can not believe that this magazines have no advertisements inside- total focus on subject.