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Speed painting technique

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I've found on Youtube some videos about the use of acrylic paints for tabletop games figures.
One of those videos describes a "speed painting" technique that is useful to quickly paint accessories to place on the tabletop. No need to have a "gold medal & Best of show paint" in such a case ; the goal is to have a tabletop battlefield that is eye-catchning.

I've tried that technique. All the different phases give an unpleasant result; but surprisingly the final result is... elegant!!!

So, here is the description of the process.

First step : a base coat of black color

All the colors used are AK 3G acrylics, with the use of Citadel Colors Nuln Oil & Agrax Earthshade.

The step two consisted in a drybrush of gold on some surfaces. No need to be careful...

Step 3 : Nuln Oil applied overall

Step 4 : Ultramarine blue paintbrushed in one layer only

Then, ultramarine paintbrushed again bud with a round paintbrush, little touch after little touch


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