I have one of my best friends that is working with me and that likes horses. She owns two; and at the office she had a little figure of a horse in resin (medium quality figure, not a model for modellers...)
One day, the figure felt onto the ground and had the two ears broken. I proposed to my friend to repare the figure for her, with miliput. So I came back at home with the figure.
Doing new ears for this poor horse, I had the idea to paint one of the two real horses my friend owns. So, she gived me some photos, and I begun the work.
As you know, I'm not figurinist. I use acrylic but no oil paint.
After having repaired the ears, I used my "home putty" to eliminate some holes and other defaults, and to give male attributes to Sirokko!!!

Then sanding; primer; and painting.
I have also modified the base, using Piedra Pomez to obtain a nicer ground that I will complete with grass...
Anyway, here is the actual result. Hope to finish it very soon. I'm just waiting the Piedra Pomez becomes dry.
It's my priority, other workbenches will restart when the horse will be finished