Hey friends...

As you all know, i'm in new apartment and i have problem with light,so i can't take some good pics. I think i have solved that problem.
In house i find some old lamp, and try to make something from her...

I must to bay energy saving bubl(11W~60W on normal bubl) becouse they gave more light that standard bubl. "Crown" lamp is made of plastic, so it scatters light in all directions, and so I lose the light. So i use alu foil, overlaid the inside of the lamp, to directed light down. Also I used insulating tape, to fix foil into place. Energy saving bulbs are less heat than standard, so I think there will be no problem with foil (to prevent burning).
In any case, in every 5 to 10 minutes, i touch lamp to see is it overheated.

For now it works very well.