Author Topic: NEW!!! "Retrotracks" Char T13 Type III (1/72)  (Read 8204 times)

Offline draken35

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NEW!!! "Retrotracks" Char T13 Type III (1/72)
« on: April 09, 2011, 03:11:31 PM »
I've presented here my build of a T13 Type III:

The master was made long time ago by Dominique Jadoul for another producer; but Dominique was not satisfied of his work. Must be said that after he realised that tank, he found a lot of documentation with, amongst other things, a plan of that tank!

So Dominique Jadoul planned to do a new master. Well, it's done now, I saw Dominique today at the Wavre expo in Belgium and he gived me an exemplar of his new baby.

Enough to say that, from the 17 parts of the old one, we have now... 49 parts? Yes, sure! But some explanations, it's better...

The chassis is no more made with two elements but only one; but more accurate as you can see on the photos. All the traps, etc were corrected and are similar to the real tank. The engine is no more visible as it was the case on the original tank.

For the turret, there are two options: "closed", or "open" as the difference can be seen on some photos.

OK, now I have to find the time to build this one, and to make a diorama with Belgian Cyclistes Frontières, and perheaps a farmer with his horse...

The famous Belgian 47mm gun is more detailed and you have also the support part.

But was is really impressive is the tracks and wheels: the old box contained only two pieces; the new one is far better detailed with correct tracks, separate wheels (at least, grouped by two, barbotins, etc.)

and another "plus":

The forms and dimensions of that new T13 are absolutely perfect. It's really a must!!!

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Re: NEW!!! "Retrotracks" Char T13 Type III (1/72)
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2011, 04:56:46 PM »
Must say that small parts look much complex to made them in resin in that scale

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Re: NEW!!! "Retrotracks" Char T13 Type III (1/72)
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2011, 06:53:39 PM »
Everything is so tiny...  :-eek