Today I had my first experience with AFV Club products when my Tiger I track set arrived. I have assembled a few links and thought I'd share this neat product with y'all.
My Tamiya Tiger came with the old style flexible one-piece tracks. The kit tracks actually look pretty nice on the tread side but lack some detail on the wheel side, such as the guide pins not having the holes in them that the real ones have. The AFV kit assembles easily but will take a bit of time as there are 95 links per side to glue together! The track is nicely detailed and it is just as flexible as the real thing when properly assembled. Just a little bit of cleanup is needed on the knockout pin marks on the inside of the links but a couple of swipes with a sanding stick or file takes care of them easily. Here are a few poor-quality photos of the first five links that I put together.

AFV Club Track Set
You simply mesh two links together and then glue the connecting pad/guide pin assembly into the recess made for it.

AFV Club Track Set
And the track meshes perfectly with the Tamiya drive sprocket.

AFV Club Track Set
From reading other reviews I've gathered that the track also perfectly fits the Dragon and AFV Club SdKfz 181 kits. I can't wait to see the completed tracks installed on "Dad's Tiger"!