Let Let Let - Warplanes > Combat Warplanes

S&MN airforce cammouflage!

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Why does SEr&MN has such a bad way of painting planes?

It will be interestin to see if soemone can repaint some of modern planes in the way how it was done in the time of RYAF(green, yellow, brown)

Dear wviz- not only our aviation, better see the how look like F-14, they are also patches and look like our planes. But other story is that our experts and ofifficial does not pay much of attention to the camouflage.

Isto je i sa americkim Tomketima- oni zabojavaju preko osnove sive pa dobijaju mrljave avione a da stvar bude gora to je i zvanicna preporuka. Al na stranu to sto nasi nadlezni bas i ne vode ,mnogo racuna o bojenju.

Ste ne probas, ako imas vremena, da odradis Galeb u stilu RYAF?

Pa sto da ne alio to bi samo zbunjivalo ljude.... mada palo mi nesto na pamet- da uradim seriju ilustracija kako bi mozda bilo dobro bojenje! Sta mislis odnosno mislite?

Uradi, kao pedlog. Sto da ne!!  ;D


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