In the summer of 1942, Phillips and Powis (since 1943 — Miles Aircraft) presented the M. 28 Mercury aircraft to British Army officers for evaluation for training, communication and artillery fire correction. The officers liked the M. 28, but they offered to modify it — to improve the characteristics, simplify the design, etc. The modified aircraft received the designation M.38 Messenger. September 12, 1942-the first flight of the Miles M. 38 Messenger communication aircraft.
It was a low-wing aircraft with a non-retractable landing gear and a three-keel tail. It was equipped with a Blackburn Cirrus Major III engine (150 hp) Cruising speed — 245 km / h, flight range-657 km. The cabin housed 2-3 passengers + 1 pilot.
During the tests, Messenger showed excellent flight characteristics. Despite the fact that it was developed without the knowledge of the British Aviation Ministry, it was put into mass production. 93 aircraft were released. After the Second World War, they were also used by private owners.